Play Therapy Canada

The SEPACTO Database

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S ystem for the When Play Therapy UK (PTUK) was founded it was realised that there was a big need for quantitative research into the effectiveness of therapeutic play, play and creative arts therapies.  PTUK took a major  initiative in 2002 by funding and developing SEPACTO, coupling it to data arising out of clinical governance procedures. This development is available to all of PTI's affiliated oganisations including PTC.

SEPACTO is, as far as is known, the only system and research programme in the world based upon therapeutic play practiced based evidence.

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PTUK & PTC Members are required to apply the principles of clinical governance (quality management) to their practice.  (Members of PTC and other PTI affiliates are urged to do the same.) This includes the use of quantifiable measures of changes in the client's psychological and emotional state during a programme of play therapy sessions.  This data is sent to PTUK, n an anonomised form, who ,manage the  database.

There is no charge to  Members for data entry nor for sets of comparative reports which will be produced as soon as the dataset reaches a sufficient number of records.

The main objectives of SEPACTO are to

  • Provide quantified measures of the effectiveness of play and creative arts therapies

  • Show the impact of play therapy on particular conditions eg autism, attachment problems, behaviour, trauma etc

  • Enable therapists to improve their practice by comparing their methods and results with others

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SEPACTO has been operational since April 2003 and is designed to record data from the Goodmans SDQ, which many play therapists use. However the system is flexible and will accommodate other measures such as the contribution that play therapy makes to achieving and organisation's objectives.
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